wtorek, 25 czerwca 2024

Meryl Nass - Finland offer bird flu vaccine

Finland to offer bird flu vaccine to select groups of people, a possible global first--but will they tell the human subjects that 5x as many people who got the Audenz bird flu vaccine vs placebo died?

They are targeting farm workers. Another method to reduce the food supply?

If you live in Finland , please share the information that this vaccine could be incredibly dangerous to potential subjects.

What do we know about this vaccine? Almost nothing. It was licensed in Europe 8 months ago. It is an H5N8 vaccine that governments hope might work against a H5N1 bird flu. It contains the dangerous adjuvant MF59.  There is no side effect profile in the package insert: the serious side effects listed are from an H1N1 (seasonal flu) vaccine that also contains MF59, and these side effects are scary, though frequency is not provided:

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