piątek, 3 maja 2024

How Big Pharma Makes Healthy People Sick | ENDEVR Documentary

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During 2016, when my son died on the road here in the Kingdom of Belgium, I made an appointment with a psy at the flamish hospital close to my house : AZ VUB, asking for help. The psychiatrist told me exactly this : " The less you take chemich drugs, the better you feel. You must grieve". I said,: "what? But doctor, I go in the woods at night and I scream, I run, I scratch the ground, please, help me ! " He answered : "You scratch the ground to find the love you've lost, keep doing it. Don't stop and come back to talk with me any time. I'm here for you. Call me any time but don't start with chem. drugs. You need time to grieve". We talked for an hour and did it every week. What a wonderful doctor. After a cupple of months, we became friends. Thanks God, I met the right psychatrist.

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